Anahida, a contemporary Armenian woman, is pregnant with the child of her Turkish lover who is haunted by the past. An artistic blending of the real...
"Vena Amoris" celebrates life with hope in our hearts and an eye toward the future. This film depicts how easy it is to live a happy life when we're...
An idealistic grade school teacher has a fear of speaking up in public (other than in front of her kids). But when she finds out that children in her...
Two strangers, fleeing failed relationships in other cities, meet on the streets of New York. As they connect over a single evening, their outlook on...
"The Strange Case of Normalcy" is a subtle examination of how each of us lives on the edge of normalcy while we construct an illusion of "the normal"...
An idealistic grade school teacher has a fear of speaking up in public (other than in front of her kids). But when she finds out that children in her...