Jules is a drag artist in London who withdraws into himself and loses his career after a horrific attack. Months later, he recognizes one of his...
A troubled woman living in an isolated community finds herself pulled between the control of her oppressive family and the allure of a secretive...
After an accident, a firefighter must extinguish terrifying trauma as he attempts to reignite his career.
When Jordan gets into the car of a flirtatious drug-dealer, his night takes a dangerous turn.
Stuffed is a short musical about a taxidermist who dreams of stuffing a human and the man she meets online, so afraid of aging he volunteers to be...
A woman struggles with the pressures of motherhood and uses a childish game at a local baby group to vent her fury, sparking an unexpected chain...
A man and a woman engage in a conversation if they have met before.
Parolee Taylor's hopes for a fresh start are jeopardized by cellmate Dee's arrival. As Dee takes Taylor under his wing, a vicious attack tests their...
A Veterans For Peace UK Film challenging the British Army's policy of recruiting 16 year olds into the most dangerous army jobs.
In a rural Irish village, a strange calf is born. And it won’t stop screaming.
Through intimate portraits, we begin to see what's really at threat when mass redevelopment encroaches. We ask 'how in this changing landscape can...
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