The documentary investigates the lives and characters of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump as they seek the presidency. In a historic election, those...
The inside story of Biden’s rise to the presidency, and the personal and political forces that shaped him and led to his dramatic decision to...
An investigation of how Donald Trump defied expectations to win the presidency -- and what it suggests about how he will govern.
Examines the unfolding chaos in Iraq and how the U.S. is being pulled back into the conflict. Drawing on interviews with policymakers and military...
How trafficking in conspiracy theories went from the fringes of U.S. politics into the White House.
A look into what has shaped President Donald Trump and presidential candidate Joe Biden, where they came from and how they lead.
A journalist investigates a newspaper story of the execution of an Arab princess.
The key moments that helped shape President-elect Donald Trump.
An interwoven investigative biography of U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that draws on dozens of interviews from those...
Review the partisanship that gridlocked Washington and charged the 2016 presidential campaign.
From his first days as president to his last, how Trump stoked division, violence and insurrection. FRONTLINE investigates Trump’s siege on his...
As controversy erupts around Clarence and Ginni Thomas, FRONTLINE tells the inside story of their path to power. This investigation from veteran...
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