Set in Mexico City, Carlos Reygadas's sexually explicit drama centers on a man in turmoil over his past actions. Chauffer Marcos feels compelled to...
Johan and his family are Mennonites from the north of Mexico. Against the law of God and Man, Johan falls in love with another woman.
Heli must try and protect his young family when his 12-year-old sister inadvertently involves them in the brutal drug world. He must battle against...
Juan and his urban family live in the Mexican countryside, where they enjoy and suffer a world apart. And nobody knows if these two worlds are...
A painter from the big city goes to a remote canyon to commit suicide. To reach some calmness he stays at the farmstead of Ascen, an old religious...
A suicidal man recalls life with his mother as a boy.
Diego's job is counting people as they enter a large government building. After work, he and his wife Blanca lie on the couch...
A disoriented and vulnerable woman, overburdened with daily life problems and more: her belongings are impounded, her cosmetics shop has been closed...
Constantino Zegarra is a principled Peruvian government official who stands apart from his corrupt colleagues. Throughout his two-decade career, he...
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