A young woman returns a lonely widow’s lost purse, leading to an unlikely relationship between the two — until the young woman discovers...
When Liv moves to London, she meets the mysterious Henry and his group of friends, who pull her into the enthralling world of dream-travel. She and...
When small town drifter Sammy Barlach (Jake Weary, “Animal Kingdom”) drives into town on the search for his next cold beer and...
'H3' is a universal story of endurance and courage set inside Europe's most secure prison, the Maze prison in Northern Ireland. Here, in H3 - the...
June 1961, NYC: legendary jazz pianist Bill Evans has found his musical voice and created the perfect trio, including bass player Scott LaFaro, said...
An artist trapped in his Lower Manhattan loft by the disaster of September 11th faxes drawings of what he sees through his window to a friend in...
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