Over the course of one year, this film follows the life of an ordinary Pyongyang family whose daughter was chosen to take part in Day of the Shining...
Russian Federation, December 31, 1999. After President Boris Yeltsin's unexpected resignation, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin becomes acting president...
Everyone knows something like this is happening. But this is the only experiment to fully demonstrate what excessive openness on the internet means....
On February 24, 2022, Yevhen, together with his friends, volunteered to join the first aid squad on the front line. They provided life-saving support...
Dalibor K. is an industrial painter, amateur horror maker, the composer of angry songs, painter and a radical neo-Nazi. He is approaching 40, but he...
The memory of World War II is the only thing that makes a small Russian town alive. Like a great treasure this memory is preserved here in every home...
A documentary detective story in which the authors follow in the footsteps of Czech xenophobia. In Tanvald there is a parking space and a supermarket...