A couple takes refuge in an underground car park during an epidemic. She is desperate, having been wounded and infected and he tries to help her...
This is a short-film of the drama genre, named "Life's short to who's soft" about Soraia (Cláudia Cortinhas), a young woman who lives an...
Soul's origin: The Life of Gabino Ribeiro tells the story of the life of the great Mr. Gabino Ribeiro, an extremely important person to the village...
A family struggles to survive isolated from civilization, with the exception of a neighbor who lives nearby. A storm that has haunted them for the...
On a stage, a story is being told, Deolinda discovers that she's going to have to stay at the nursing home for the weekend. Revolted, she has the...
Nídia is a woman going through a depression due to lack of affection from her husband and the growing solitary environment that becomes...
This is an experimental short-film, named "Point of Life". It's about 4 friends who decide to spend a day on the beach but everything goes wrong when...
A movie by Sério Fernandes and his students.
This is a horror short-film, produced on the year of 2020. It tells the story of how a group of friends while partying, ends up finding an old...
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