After his mother’s death, Zucchini is befriended by a kind police officer, Raymond, who accompanies him to his new foster home filled with...
In Borneo, near the tropical forest, Kéria rescues a baby orangutang in the palm oil plantation where her father works. Kéria's cousin...
Emile is an unhappy little vampire, doing a job he detests, in a world plunged into perpetual gloom. He serves a despotic mistress who loathes...
Little bald Léon loves his grandfather. He loves the old man's bushy black beard, which seems endowed with magic powers.
Armand works on the assembly-line of a tinned pasta factory. One evening he opens up a tin of ravioli for dinner. Much to his surprise, a Genie jumps...
It’s raining. A small village is in big trouble due to the incessant tears of a young girl.
Vladimir and Olga raise ducks on a small isolated farm in the countryside. They hope for a child, but this expectation soon turns into a nightmare.
They have a job that suits them, enjoy their colleagues and take time to enjoy the simple things around them. They wake up every morning next to...
Short film shown in Cannes.
Linda is a little girl rejected by other children and by her family. She lives in a small town where a serial killer is prowling. But one day, she...
A roads leads through a barren desert landscape. A car parks in front of a motel. A man with a box under his arm gets out and storms into room...
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