This biopic follows the life of Indian Army officer Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, from his childhood to his heroic actions during the 2008 Mumbai...
Based on the life of Shakuntala Devi who is a well-known mathematical genius and calculating progidy from India. She has been nicknamed 'Human...
Singleton Kartar Singh is left with the responsibility of raising his two orphaned nephews. He asks his brother in Punjab to raise Charan and his...
Soorma, a comeback story of the hockey legend Sandeep Singh is a biopic that chronicles the life and times of the famed hockey player.
The famous and idolized Indian cricketer Mohammad Azharuddin, known as Azhar, faces in court those who accuse him of match-fixing in exchange for...
Desperate to make some quick money, Lucky and his friends rob an e-commerce company truck. But to their surprise, the looted boxes contain condoms...
Jhulan Goswami gradually moves up the ladder despite misogynistic politics to fulfill her dream of playing cricket for India. Her goal: the India...
The film chronicles the story of a dusky girl tamed by prejudices and biases held by the Indian society against dark skin.
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