Three men meet on a night train on the border of Finland and Sweden. All three are concealing something, and a sudden confrontation amongst them...
A teenage orphan girl Salome lives within a sect lead by charismatic and ruthless Maria Åkerblom. During a pivotal summer, Salome is faced with...
The documentary tells the story how Matti Fagerholm became Michael Monroe. It all began in the late 1970s with Hanoi Rocks, and over 40 years later,...
Ski Girls tells about four friends who have visited different ski resorts every year since their youth. They call themselves Ski Girls, even though...
Drama-comedy about the difficulty of change, the possibility of rebirth, love and hate, relationships, fears and dreams, the great forces of life...
Divorced, middle-aged Matti picks up Maša near the Finnish-Russian border. Maša was waiting for a different man called Jukka, but...
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