Former security expert Bai An kidnaps young heiress He Ting, intending to use her to take revenge on her father. However, he inadvertently saves her...
The film's story unfolds in the fictional country of Laika and in Hong Kong, China. A police academy student who has not yet graduated, Ashan (played...
In order to regain recognition, the most unlucky agent, Backkom Bear, sneaked into the Mars mission, but unexpectedly broke into the mysterious world...
A strange old man tasks the adventure trio Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling, and Wang Pangzi to investigate the mysterious "misty immortals" in the southwestern...
This film tells the story of Hu Guohua, who was framed and set up in a gambling game and lost all his family property. He was so stubborn that he dug...
An adaptation of the novel "Girl in the Dark" by suspense writer Zhou Haohui: Li Xiaoqiong (played by Hu Jieqiong) and her boyfriend Guo Jun (played...
The East Sea Dragon Maiden, Aruo, wholeheartedly searches for her beloved. At any cost, she arrives by the side of the mortal Wang Sheng. Meanwhile,...