Vesnice Ixcatlan trpí nájezdy banditů vedených nelítostným Calverou, který vesničany...
Městečko Warlock je typickým sídlem Divokého západu 19. století. zákony v něm platí...
Bruce Willis představuje záhadného cizince, který zabloudí do malého texaského města,...
Former buffalo hunter and entrepreneur Wyatt Earp arrives in the lawless cattle town of Wichita Kansas. His skill as a gun-fighter makes him a...
Zlato nebo hrob. Mladá vdova jim může dopřát obě možnosti. John Wayne jako vůdce nájemné...
Film je divokou jízdou dvou nevyzpytatelných mladých vražedkyň Violet a Daisy. Jejich zabijáckou pohodu jim...
When the owner of a stagecoach station is killed, a gunman takes his place.
When his life is saved in a shootout by a fellow gunman whose life he in turn had saved, Alex Longmire promises to give up his way of life. Riding...
Guzman, a rich U.S. landowner is forced to leave for a short time, leaving his pregnant wife alone in the ranch. That night, a group of bandits,...
On the streets of London, a man who goes only by 'Slugger' spends his nights as a contract killer. His weapon of choice? A baseball bat, what else?
A financially struggling father is confronted with a moral dilemma when he enters the criminal underworld as a contract killer to support his family.
A documentary by Eduardo Coutinho about a hired-gun from Brazil's Northeast.
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