K významné osobnosti indické i světové kinematografie, Satjádžitovi Rájovi, jehož...
Před dovršením patnáctých narozenin upoutá dospívající Georgii nový kluk ve...
Shin-ae moves to her recently late husband’s hometown. Despite her efforts to settle in this unfamiliar and too-normal place, she finds that...
Seznamte se s Arlo Pearem (Richard Pryor). Je to spokojený muž se smyslem pro rodinu, milující svou manželku, vzpurnou...
It's the summer before 6th grade, and Clark is the new-in-town biracial kid in a sea of white. Discovering that to be cool he needs to act 'more...
Hrdinou temného příběhu z dnešního Berlína je patnáctiletý Michael Polischka. Když se...
Korean horror hit of 2009. Everything is picture-perfect for a family of three recently moved to Seoul from the countryside. But a religious ritual...
A young pair from Stuttgart fly to Shanghai to hop aboard the textile business of his father while she prepares for the birth of their son. A story...
Greta's parents have decided that the three of them are going back to their hometown. Greta has to tell them that she won't return with them.
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