Vinou globálního oteplení roztály ledovce na pólech a zatopily pevniny. Zbytky lidstva už několik...
Svět zpustošila válka. Nastal boj o zbytky nejcennějšího zdroje energie - nafty. Max, jenž ztratil rodinu...
Když Yann Arthus-Bertrand, mezinárodně uznávaný fotograf a autor knihy The Earth From Above, potkal producenta Luca...
The Iron Cross Army are sabotaging oil-tankers with the help of their monster, the Sea-Devil, a semi-mechanical anthropomorphic swordfish with an...
A story of of the captain of an oil tanker during World War II, Captain Bart Manson, who rescues Katherine Hall when her ship is sunk by a German...
Squatters live on a mothballed oil tanker in the Persian Gulf. The children attend a school on board; men harvest scrap metal and old oil in the...
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