Bretaň, Francie, rok 1760. Talentovaná malířka Marianne dostane zadání odjet do panského domu na...
Mladý pár Gil a Inez, který se má na podzim brát, přijíždí s jejími rodiči do...
Milostný dopis novinářům odehrávající se v detašované redakci amerických novin ve...
Deuce Bigalow, jehož jsme poznali už v předchozím snímku s názvem Deuce Bigalow: Dobrej striptér, se...
An artist dealing with the grief of his wife leaving him finds solace in painting the squalor of the sewer. He discovers a trapped mermaid, whom he...
Film Dánská dívka vás zavede do Kodaně dvacátých let minulého století. Einar Wegener...
Strhující životní příběh slavné extravagantní mexické malířky Fridy Kahlo...
Devítiletý chlapec je sužován svým okolím - ve škole není schopen přečíst...
Carl Nargle, vermontský veřejnoprávní malíř číslo 1, je přesvědčen, že...
„Milostné psaníčko z Barcelony“, nějak tak vystihuje Woody Allen svůj počin. Do...
Starý muž, kterému zlomila srdce smrt milované ženy, v sobě nedokáže znovu probudit...
Nevšední životopisný film je ztvárněním 853 dopisů, slavného nizozemského...
In an early 20th century village, a painter with an unusual commission finds two pretty girls two model for him. The girls slowly come of age while...
Spisovatele Marcela, albánského emigranta Rodolfa, který se zabývá malováním, a hudebního...
V 17. století Amsterdam a celou zemi zachvátila "tulipánová horečka". Jediná cibulka exotické...
Pětadvacetiletý Adam žije obyčejným životem se svou přítelkyní a prací. To ovšem...
In the early Republic of China, police officer A Lai is saved by a mysterious woman, Lu Na, who falls into a coma. Using her comic books, he solves...
The Joy of Painting was an American television show hosted by painter Bob Ross that taught its viewers techniques for landscape oil painting....
Painter of the Wind is a 2008 South Korean historical television series starring Moon Geun-young and Park Shin-yang. Based on the bestselling...
The essence of love is fading and is evermore harder to do. In this day and age, will there be love that is woeful and forlorn just for the sake of...
An educational French TV documentary series which goes into depth during each episode into the analysis of a single painting.
Painter Zheng Xue Jing accidentally acquires a magical pen and frees three foxes from a screen. She becomes involved into their world because from...
Beautiful and naïve Maggy Lunel arrives in Paris completely broke. She becomes an artist's model and the toast of Paris, attracting the...
Edvard Munch is a 1974 biographical film about the Norwegian Expressionist painter Edvard Munch, written and directed by Peter Watkins. It was...
A painter gets diagnosed terminally ill. On his 58th birthday, he plans to share his last will and testimony. His great legacy and immense fortune...
The Impressionists is a three-part factual docudrama from the BBC, which reconstructs the origins of the Impressionist art movement.
A thriving painter's enviable life begins to fray at the edges when a bright young woman she once befriended resurfaces as a shell of her former self.
Set during the Joseon era, Hong Cheon Ki is a female painter with a genius like painting talent. She is picked as the first female painter of the...
Single since birth, Yuan Qian and Qin Shen are two people who will probably end up being single for life because they want to. Set against the...
Great Art Explained is a video series that focuses on one piece of art per episode, breaking it down, using clear and concise language free of...
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