Malý štáb točí laciný zombie horor v opuštěné fabrice, ve které kdysi...
Snímek zpracovává příběh experta na medvědy Timothyho Treadwella, který se pravidelně...
Rok, na který nikdo z nás nebude rád vzpomínat, očima nejhůř informovaných komentátorů...
Úchvatná pocta klasickým filmovým gangsterkám. Jako úchvatnou skládanku notoricky...
Tom Savini nás provází zajímavě zpracovaným dokumentem o sérii Friday the 13th. V tomto dokumentu...
Davidu Bowiemu se dařilo víc než padesát let ovlivňovat svět svou hudbou, životním stylem a...
In space, no one can hear you scream! the catchy slogan that accompanies Alien sums up the unprecedented stakes of this film that will mark the...
There’s only one person who so accurately personifies movie magic in the history of film, and that man is special effects maestro Ray...
The Goal Is To Live is an infinitely-looping assemblage constructed out of repurposed content from the popular show How It’s Made, which...
Reporter Michael Gordon uncovers intrigue in Damascus, where the Allies and Nazis struggle for control of Arab sympathies.
Using only archive film and a new musical score by the band Mogwai, Mark Cousins presents an impressionistic kaleidoscope of our nuclear times...
A short film where circus performers entertain children.
This documentary focuses on the artistry of director Bill Morrison, who leverages decaying film stock from years past to tell new stories that are...
A lucid dream turned nightmarish reality. A ship sinking into a world of fear. A short film that’s mostly puppetry by one of America's...
A giant CEO visits the tiny man in the Oval Office, and sheds tears – not, as Trump says, because of the grandeur of the place, but because...
A meditation on the human quest to transcend physicality, constructed from decaying archival footage and set to an original symphonic score.
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