A gunslinger, a vengeful ex-slave, and a runaway board a midnight train to Atlanta. They discover that the train is haunted by a sinister force, and...
Set in New York during the 1920s, Chrono Crusade follows the story of Rosette Christopher, and her demon partner Chrono. As members of the Magdalene...
In Kyoto, humans and supernatural creatures live side-by-side. Soichiro Shimogamo used to be the head of tanuki society, but without warning one day...
Daichi Kakeru is a high school student who has never had a girlfriend. Little did he know that everything was about to change when he bought a melon...
Akira Fudo learns from his best friend Ryo Asuka that demons will revive and reclaim the world from humans. With humans hopeless against this threat,...
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