Caesar je šimpanz, se kterým jsme se seznámili před třemi lety ve velmi úspěšném filmu...
Ceasar a jeho opice nemají na vybranou a vrhají se do boje s lidskou armádou. Tu vede bezohledný plukovník,...
Pořekadlo, že cesta do pekla bývá dlážděna dobrými úmysly, platí v tomto...
Volver znamená „vrátit se“ – a Pedro Almodóvar se svým novým filmem vrací do kraje...
Li and his wife A Yu run a small business in Thailand and enjoy a happy home life with their two daughters. When their eldest daughter is violently...
Chcete, aby z vaší dcery nevyrostla fňukna, která se při sebemenším problému sesype?...
David Carr is a British Communist who is unemployed. In 1936, when the Spanish Civil War begins, he decides to fight for the Republican side, a...
How was it possible that a single man influenced contemporary world so significantly? This film is an attempt to capture the phenomenon of a common...
Filmové drama natočené v roce 1963 v koprodukci Itálie, Francie a Jugoslávie. Skvěle obsazený film...
In southern France, a Franco-Arabic shipyard worker along with his partner's daughter pursues his dream of opening a restaurant.
Benjamin is meant to be a great doctor, he’s certain of it. But his first experience as a junior doctor in the hospital ward where his father...
A union pensioner and his wife are robbed, but find that merely getting the assailants brought to justice is not enough for their consciences.
Příběh dvou žen, dvou prostitutek, dvou princezen. Jednou z nich je Caye – necelých třicet let,...
The story of a small-town man who comes to make it big in the city, where he is almost instantly relieved of all his possessions. Homeless and...
Frustrated, because he is forced to produce bad TV-shows, a manager of a TV-station, enters the station and manipulates the ratings, to initiate a...
A tough young man, who helps to kick poor people out of their houses, falls in love with a girl. She lives with her father in the building about to...
This 9-episodes documentary series extensively examines the history of Poland in the 20th Century, telling the story through archival films,...
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