Inspired by real events, "Bestia" enters the life of a secret police agent in the military dictatorship in Chile. The relationship with her dog, her...
A young artist lives with his father, a radical friend and music loving young woman. His father dies, the radical friend leaves him and the woman is...
A young political prisoner in World War II is slowly going insane in his lonely cell. Only a fly, a metaphor for a woman, keeps him alive - but also...
A young painter attempts to create his magnum opus, struggling through weeks of mental torment and obliterating his sense of self. Day after day, he...
Ffrydiwch filoedd o ffilmiau a sioeau teledu am ddim.
Gweithredwch eich Cyfrif AM DDIM!
Mynediad Diderfyn Am Ddim, Chwilio am unrhyw beth Dim Hysbysebion, Miliynau o deitlau ac yn cael eu hychwanegu bob dydd, Pob platfform ac wedi'i Optimeiddio'n Llawn, Unrhyw le ac unrhyw bryd