The news of the death of Franco has a special resonance in the family of Florentina. Fiorentina communicates to the rest of the family a story far...
"Die Unbeugsamen" ("The Indomitable") is the story of women's struggle against sexual discrimination and for inclusion in the democratic process in...
The trials and tribulations of the Goddard family after the entry of Australia into the Vietnam War.
21 died in the explosion in the kings bay-accident in Ny-Ålesund in Spitsbergen i 1962. The accident led to the fall of the Norwegian labor...
Two years ago, Rex Mose committed tax fraud, setting in motion a series of events leading to the fall of the Wisconsin government. Now, two former...
To have a clear picture of the Greek public opinion after the recent victory of the current government, the editor-in-chief of a famous newspaper...
After 18 years living in Italy, the Cuban Barbara Ramos returns to live in her homeland. In the town of Santa Clara, she discovers through the...
Berlin 1933 – Diary Of A Metropolis tells the story of how Berlin, the vibrant hub of modernity, became Germany's staunch capital city in step...
Mynediad Diderfyn Am Ddim, Chwilio am unrhyw beth Dim Hysbysebion, Miliynau o deitlau ac yn cael eu hychwanegu bob dydd, Pob platfform ac wedi'i Optimeiddio'n Llawn, Unrhyw le ac unrhyw bryd