A year after the murder of her mother, a teenage girl is terrorized by a masked killer who targets her and her friends by using scary movies as part...
In 2004, a culture war was brewing when the Super Bowl halftime show audience saw a white man expose a Black woman's breast for 9/16ths of a second....
Porter Wren is a Manhattan tabloid writer with an appetite for scandal. On the beat he sells murder, tragedy, and anything that passes for the truth....
Tasmanian Devil: The Fast and Furious Life of Errol FlynnHD
IMDb: 9
The story of Tasmanian-born actor Errol Flynn whose short & flamboyant life, full of scandals, adventures, loves and excess was largely played out in...
Henry Hackett is the workaholic editor of a New York City tabloid. He loves his job, but the long hours and low pay are leading to discontent. Also,...
Her rise was a global phenomenon. Her downfall was a cruel national sport. People close to Britney Spears and lawyers tied to her conservatorship now...
On the set of Cleopatra, Hollywood's most beautiful star, Elizabeth Taylor, fell into the arms of one of the world's greatest actors, Richard Burton...
In Berlin, when the journalist Greg Bachmann is released from prison six months before the end of his sentence, there is a driver named Jupp waiting...
Albee is a pampered, high-class young lady who has never experienced any hardship in her life. On her birthday, just when she expects to be proposed...
National Enquirer Investigates will make viewers question everything they thought they knew about the most sensational crimes and celebrity scandals...
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