Nøgleord Reporter
HD Megamind (2010)

Megamind (2010)

HD Bridget Jones' dagbog (2001)

Bridget Jones' dagbog (2001)

HD Zodiac (2007)

Zodiac (2007)

HD Tintin: Enhjørningens hemmelighed (2011)

Tintin: Enhjørningens hemmelighed (2011)

HD Scream 3 (2000)

Scream 3 (2000)

HD Network (1976)

Network (1976)

HD Borat (2006)

Borat (2006)

HD Violenza in un carcere femminile (1982)

Violenza in un carcere femminile (1982)

HD 27 bryllupper (2008)

27 bryllupper (2008)

HD The Life of David Gale (2003)

The Life of David Gale (2003)

HD Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Gåden om det grønne slam (1991)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Gåden om det grønne slam (1991)

HD Piranha (1978)

Piranha (1978)

HD Hjælp, det spøger! (1996)

Hjælp, det spøger! (1996)

HD Flugtbruden (1999)

Flugtbruden (1999)

HD The Mothman - Mørkets Budbringer (2002)

The Mothman - Mørkets Budbringer (2002)

HD Dirty Harry i Dødsspillet (1988)

Dirty Harry i Dødsspillet (1988)

AllEps Uppdrag granskning (2001)

Uppdrag granskning (2001)

AllEps Telecat (1983)

Telecat (1983)

AllEps Scoop (1992)

Scoop (1992)

AllEps Grotesquerie (2024)

Grotesquerie (2024)

AllEps Hilda Furacão (1998)

Hilda Furacão (1998)

AllEps My Favorite Martian (1963)

My Favorite Martian (1963)

AllEps Record of Youth (2020)

Record of Youth (2020)

AllEps Dateline: Unforgettable (2021)

Dateline: Unforgettable (2021)

AllEps Adamas (2022)

Adamas (2022)

AllEps All of Us (2003)

All of Us (2003)

AllEps The Hour (2011)

The Hour (2011)

AllEps Healer (2014)

Healer (2014)

AllEps Drop the Dead Donkey (1990)

Drop the Dead Donkey (1990)

AllEps Sharp Objects (2018)

Sharp Objects (2018)

AllEps Strangers from Hell (2019)

Strangers from Hell (2019)

AllEps The Missing (2014)

The Missing (2014)