In an abandoned psychiatric hospital, a theatre group experiments with insomnia for the preparation of a stage play. With the passage of days without...
Baxter follows Baxter McNab and his friends on their journey through the unique, high-energy world that is Northern Star School of the Arts. At this...
The Stage Door is an American drama series that aired live on CBS Tuesday night from 9:00 pm to 9:30 eastern time from February 7, 1950 to March 28,...
Short lived sitcom about the goings on at a movie theatre. The show mainly focused on Scott Creasman, who wanted to be in movies, but working in the...
Raising the Roofs is a 2006 reality television show on Spike TV, following the life of aspiring actor Michael Roof, and the misadventures of his self...
Determined to make it in Hollywood, Sarah bides her time between auditions by taking humiliating, soul-crushing temp jobs in order to scrape together...
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