In the Company of Kings follows a fight fan's unforgettable journey into the dark heart of American boxing to talk to eight former World Champs and...
Chronicles the making of director Werner Herzog’s 2009 feature, My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done, providing profound insight into the director...
"Pulp Fiction" macht Uma Thurman zum Postergirl des Independent-Kinos. Als kämpfende Rächerin wird sie mit "Kill Bill" zum Sinnbild der...
Als Zug der Könige, Diplomaten, Schriftsteller und legendärer Passagiere wie Mata Hari, Marlene Dietrich und "Mord im...
The decade-long odyssey of surfing pioneer Garrett McNamara, who, after visiting Nazaré, Portugal in hopes of conquering a 100-foot wave,...
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