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劇場版 獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー ガブリンチョ・オブ・ミュージック 2013 Ganzer film deutsch kostenlos

劇場版 獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー ガブリンチョ・オブ・ミュージック 2013 Ganzer film deutsch kostenlos

The Kyoryuger saves Mikoto Amano, nicknamed Meeko, from a horde of Zorima who invaded her concert venue. It turns out that Daigo once met Meeko in France. Before they can catch up, the ancient knight Deathryuger, aka D, appears and kidnaps her. D’s goal is to use the secret legendary battery #00, to take control of the mysterious Tobaspino. The Kyoryugers go after "D" to rescue Meeko and prevent him from gaining control over the legendary Zyudenryu.

Laufzeit: 30 Protokoll

Qualität: HD

Veröffentlichung: Aug 03, 2013

Land: Japan

Sprache: 日本語

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