In an alternate version of the present, Tokyo has been decimated by a shocking terrorist attack, and the only hint to the identity of the culprit is...
Japanese adaptation of the American TV Series "24". Genba Shido is the director of Team A in the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU). He is excellent at his...
After 17 years in captivity, Israeli soldiers Nimrode Klein, Uri Zach, and Amiel Ben Horin return home to the country that made them national icons....
In official collaboration with the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, this documentary series takes viewers through harrowing moments of the historic morning of...
Δωρεάν απεριόριστη πρόσβαση, Αναζητήστε οτιδήποτε Χωρίς διαφημίσεις, Εκατομμύρια τίτλοι και προστίθενται κάθε μέρα, Όλες οι πλατφόρμες και πλήρως βελτιστοποιημένες, Οπουδήποτε και οποτεδήποτε