This gripping, atmospheric documentary recounts the infamous trial, conviction and eventual acquittal of Seattle native Amanda Knox for the 2007...
With the epic dimensions of a Shakespearean tragedy, The Queen of Versailles follows billionaires Jackie and David’s rags-to-riches story to...
In 2016, a young Austrialian filmmaker began documenting amateur inventor Peter Madsen. One year in, Madsen brutally murdered Kim Wall aboard his...
Rafea: Solar Mama follows the groundbreaking journey of one Bedouin mother living on the Jordan-Iraq border who, along with thirty illiterate...
Tucson, Arizona, September 1996. At the request of his son Martin, George Goldsmith tells him of his past in Nazi Germany as a member of a family of...
A Short Film by Lars Ostenfeld. Inspired by Hans Christian Anderson's fairytale, this Danish film tells the story of a Christmas tree from a most...
Dirch Passer wasn't just Denmark's funniest man and most beloved comedian. He was also a workaholic and in a constant pursuit of his audience's...
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