When an old collaborator gets severely injured, a veteran policeman tries to figure out the way to bring to justice the ultimately suspected...
Diplomats from the North and South Korean embassies in Somalia attempt a daring joint escape from Mogadishu when the outbreak of civil war leaves...
During the Japanese colonial era, roughly 400 Korean people, who were forced onto Battleship Island 'Hashima Island' to mine for coal, attempt to...
At his mother's 70th birthday party, Yong-nam runs into Eui-joo, who rejected him in college. When the city is engulfed in toxic gas from a terrorist...
Pastor Park, the head of a religious investigation center that exposes cults and cult leaders, begins looking into a suspicious new religion called...
Through the course of their lives, a man and his first love are repeatedly separated from each other because of circumstances out of their control.
Two female teachers and a male student hit with the inevitable disturbance of a coming whirlpool.
It is often said that athletes die twice. Former boxer Park Si-heon feels like he has already experienced both deaths: first, when he won the most...
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