During the 1950s, musical masterpieces that have yet to be equaled were produced in Cinemascope with stereophonic sound. These two episodes explore...
In the 1980s we got our MTV but seemed to have lost much of the musical film in the process. But the genre is resilient. A handful of masterpieces...
A two-hour in-depth exploration into the Hollywood musicals of the 1930s.
Narrated by the legendary Shirley Jones, this installment of the Hollywood Singing and Dancing series shines a light on the musicals of the 1970s, a...
The history of Hollywood musical movies, from the very beginning until the 21st century, hosted by Shirley Jones.
Documentary looking at the history of Hollywood musicals in the 1960s. This decade saw independent film companies becoming more prominent as the...
The 1920s was a time of great change in Hollywood. This program tells the story of the advent of sound technology for movies and the emergence of...
This is a two-hour in-depth exploration into the Hollywood musicals of the 1940s.
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