A film that traces the hard life of 29-year-old woman Seonghye for a significant portion of running time. After graduating from college, she worked...
Yeon-ju is an assistant director who has been trying to be a writer-director for ten years. After being turned down her last script and assigned an...
Hae-jin, a chef who suddenly broke up through Kakao, left for Skopelos, Greece, the same island he promised to come with for the summer vacation....
The North Korean defector, who has just settled in the South, is confused by his brother who was separated from the defection process. Ji-hyeok, a...
A diligent mother who runs a side-dish store keeps calling her son, a part time teacher, incompetent. The son resents his mother’s prickliness,...
Munseong goes to Gunsan for the first time in 30 years upon hearing his father Gwangdeok is dying. Gwangdeok’s death brings Munseong and his...
Lee Nan-young, who is famous for ‘Tears in Mokpo,’ made her debut at OK Records in the 1930s, and married Kim Hae-song, an acclaimed,...
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