During the Korean War, Joe Moran, is convicted for striking a colonel. Imprisoned in Germany he encounters his former company commander Captain Ross,...
Frede Hansen, a game salesman, is mistaken for a secret service agent on a ferry and kidnapped by enemy agents. He escapes and now the secret service...
Long considered a cult classic, "Mondo Hollywood" captures the underside of Hollywood by documenting a moment in time (1965-67), when an inquisitive...
Three Post Office employees are at work when the facility is held up. The robber kills the supervisor and knocks out another employee. The third one...
In a future where procreation is policed by the government, one man throws caution to the wind and lives the way he wants to live. That man is Danny...
Three adventurers--at times competing with each other, at other times allied with each other--search South Korea for a magical sword that is supposed...