A small, lone Kappa miraculously survives over 200 years into modern day Japan, when he is found by young Koichi. Coo, who is secretly adopted by...
An old fisherman makes the biggest catch of his life.
Adapted from the popular manga of the same name, director Masahiro Takada's coming of age drama follows five Hama Art College students as they...
Winter Days is a 2003 animated film, directed by Kihachirō Kawamoto. It is based on one of the renku (collaborative linked poems) in the 1684...
In nineteenth-century Russia, a teenage boy in search of love is drawn to two very different women.
A series of short stories all about dogs.
A short animated film by Tadanari Okamoto
Tatsuo and Ikuo have been raised by hard-working parents who run a funeral home. For relief, they practice games of manzai, a Japanese comic...
A short animated film by Tadanari Okamoto.
Two unfettered robbers try to steal a new, mysterious medicine from a laboratory; they butt heads with a needy crow and the head professor's...
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