After ruthless gangsters wrongfully accuse him of stealing from them, a retired criminal has 24 hours to creep back into his past life and retrieve a...
Two former lovers find themselves struggling for shared closure as one of them prepares to stage a play about the unspeakable tragedy that tore them...
On a cold November day in 1983, beer magnate Alfred Heineken and his chauffeur Ab Doderer are abducted. What follows is the most infamous kidnapping...
Armin is in crisis. One fateful day he discovers he is infertile and has been throughout his life. From this he discovers his first wife, Monika, was...
Doodslag (Dutch for "Manslaughter") is the story of Max, a paramedic who is repeatedly hindered in performing his duties by loutish behaviour. As his...
Sometimes it takes a child or two to fix the adult problems! Siems mother and father are divorced , but his father Rik has found love again , and be...
SWCHWRM is about a boy who wants to be writer and describes his experiences.
He uses the pseudonym, V. Swchwrm, because he wants to remain unknown.