An ensemble comedy, where the romance is between the young people of the 60s, and pop music. It's about a band of DJs that captivate Britain, playing...
Lawrence, an aging, lonely civil servant falls for Gina, an enigmatic young woman. When he takes her to the G8 Summit in Reykjavik, however, their...
Based on a dramatic monologue by August Strindberg, the short film follows a married woman as she confronts her husband's lover after bumping into...
A passionate manager is torn apart between loyalty to his son, a dodgy football agent, and his hometown club. This football drama gives you insight...
Lucy Gannon (Soldier, Soldier, Bramwell, Trip Trap) has written Dad, the poignant story of Larry James (Richard Briers), a cheery and independent...
After the death of their parents, three children are put into the care of their aunt Brandon - unaware of the fact she is a transgender woman. Over...
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