After a deadly forest fire sweeps the earth and fills the air with pollutants, society is on the brink of collapse and riddled with disease. The only...
Peace Aod, a young gravedigger at Thamma Nakanimitr Temple, unearths an ancient gold anklet from a grave from the World War II period. He decides to...
After a hasty plan to construct a nuclear power plant spreads fear among villagers and environmental activists, a hero emerges, who dispenses justice...
Peace has returned to ThammaNakanimitr Temple after Monk Nong, Monk First and Monk Balloon completed the mission to fulfill their pledges and won the...
The true story of Muen, a Thai woman living in the 1800s under the rule of King Mongkut. At that time, women had no rights. Wives and daughters were...
A homage and parody of 1950s and 1960s Thai romantic melodramas and action films. Dum, the son of a peasant falls in love with Rumpoey, the daughter...