The love story of Davud, a young man in search of his ‘true’ family, who completes his life cycle in a single day. When he does find...
Musa, a law student seeks out Davud, a man imprisoned for kidnapping four women. He soon discovers that all of his victims have no wish to press...
Davud returns from war to find everyone in his village has succumbed to a strange illness and has decomposed. His sister, the only survivor, is...
Davud and Sura are under siege. They wait for the Hunter. Hunter is omnipresent.
In rural Azerbaijan, a mother welcomes her adult son, who left home eight years earlier. In the calm rhythm of rural life, reflective silences...
Immobile in a home where the sands of time fall to the rhythm of the rural Azerbaijani sounds, a mother waits for her son. When he arrives, their...
A young man wanders through the ruins of what may or may not be his childhood home, where each crumbling doorway opens up onto the past. Memories...
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