Upon helping her friend audition for their all-girls high school's production of Romeo & Juliet, freshman Sun-wha is unexpectedly cast as Juliet. To...
A comical horror movie about a commotion that happened after the sons decide to fulfill their filial duties to their mother who returned as a zombie...
In the prestigious Shinha High School, there is a secret hidden between the third and fourth periods. There are 3.5 classes where time goes 10 times...
Chul, Seop, and Deok-kyu are desperate for just one performance, but even being on a club stage is hard. Im-jae, the freewheeling leader of the band...
It's not true that I remember my husband's disappearance and the strange events that happened. Soo-yeon is consulted by psychiatrist Jeong-woo after...
Tonj, Sudan is the land with only desperation from poverty and war. This is the story about priest also doctor, educator, musician and architect Lee...
In a countryside of Philippines, where people die everyday without having a local clinic, a foreign doctor's office in wheels help people for thirty...