The film follows the life of Mijo and his family in a poor Croatian village, during the turbulent years of World War II. The non-linear and...
Yugoslavia, late 1980s. Parents and son are hastily making the final preparations for Christmas Eve dinner. Their beloved uncle will be turning up...
In a small provincial town, the only traffic light is stuck on red. An intercity bus driver refuses to continue until the light turns green. This...
On the day of an inauguration to head the family business Stane confronts marriage, love and patriarchy.
Maruša connects with Alja online, who lives and works abroad as a nurse. They bond immediately. When Alja falls ill, Maruša travels...
After a year’s absence of his father, son tries to reconcile with him on a solitary trip to the family mountain hut. The more he tries, the...
Under the burning sun, beachgoers are trying to take advantage of every minute of their paid trip to a desolate beach. Among them are a mother with...
For the two pensioners of Rea Rajčić’s delightful documentary, the nightly ritual of watching (and discussing) Turkish soap operas is...
Gender transition is no different than any other human change. It has its ups and downs, scary, funny, strange, surprising, and frustrating little...
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