Prologue is a short film charged with secrets and terrible communication skills. It follows Julie, a young Italian woman living in Northern...
An unnamed graffiti artist produces a new piece in the biting cold of Minneapolis. Despite the illegality of his medium and the harshness of his...
In a vérité documentary from April 29th, 2017, Nolan Gould states over communal drums that climate change will change access to clean...
A very mini-special in 2016 compiled from 3 comedy sets from Nimesh Patel performing election jokes, taped over 4 shows. Political jokes that Nimesh...
An artist draws the scenes to the lyrics at pace with the song.
After an unsuccessful goose hunt, a young girl grapples with seeing her father in a new light.
A comedy mixtape from five recorded shows with personal tales from Nimesh traveling the country and how he grieves his grandfather’s death in a...
A young dancer befriends a homeless woman, and that relationship brings him the break he's been searching for. Surrounded by friends and a job that...
On a beautiful night when George and Melany should be celebrating their eighteenth wedding anniversary, they're engaged in an intense quarrel....
As she mimics every facing strangers, Chihiro develops her ego, like a fish jumping above the water, the instant and vanishing. When she faces...
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