Tormented by a hidden family curse, Heather lives in seclusion on the outskirts of a small town. When she falls for the rebellious Jonny, their...
After the untimely death of his mother, a grieving teen befriends his charismatic but troubled neighbor, only to become ensnared in a world of...
Haunted by the suspicious death of his ailing mother, Ali, a university professor coerces his enigmatic gardener to execute a cold-blooded act of...
The seemingly separate lives of an anxious, disillusioned teen girl and a troubled, alienated man converge fatefully.
Five 16-year-old orphans wake up to find themselves in a strange building with nothing but endless flights of stairs leading in every direction,...
New York, early '60s. Gloria, a young painter in her twenties, lives in the underground artistic microcosm of the Big Apple. One night, she is...
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