Peter, the hero, aged 20, finds himself on a deserted Greek island with no other men in sight. The women of the island, regardless of age harass him...
Andreas, an Art History Professor at the Athens School of Fine Arts, is involved both with a sexy intellectual French-Greek woman and a young student...
Stelios Dimitrakopoulos has 32 hours left before he loses everything. From the jazz bar he painstakingly keeps running for years, to his own family....
A love story with unpredictable twists and turns between perception and reality, love and its complications and the faults of human nature, Apo Erota...
On August 21, 2017, millions of Americans will witness the first total solar eclipse to cross the continental United States in 99 years. While hordes...
Tony Kouroglou responds to a job ad for working in a sea-side hotel. Hitchhiking his way to the hotel, he finds himself trapped in a murder case. He...