In the year 2019, a plague has transformed almost every human into a vampire. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant race plots...
In 1818, high-spirited young Fanny Brawne finds herself increasingly intrigued by the handsome but aloof poet John Keats, who lives next door to her...
For many years, four teenage orphans at an Australian outback convent have watched their younger comrades find new parents, and realize that they may...
Have you ever wondered "What is the meaning of life? Why do we exist?" The answer to this vexing question is now within your reach! You'll find it in...
About young British journalist, George Hogg, who with the assistance of a courageous Australian nurse, saves a group of orphaned children during the...
Ray, a construction worker trapped in an unhappy marriage, pursues an affair with his neighbor, Carla. Carla's husband, Greg, is a mobster who keeps...