Cranky, crafty and always immaculately dressed, aged master tailor Abraham Bursztein finds himself facing his winter years in a retirement home after...
Russia 2017. The world could be on the verge of a great war. People are anxious that things could fall apart. Evolving around an unfinished building,...
Naomi, a fifteen year-old Dutch girl from South-Amsterdam, develops a crush on a beautiful Arabic girl of the same age living in the poor quarters of...
New husband Adam reluctantly takes a job with state security in a totalitarian country, thus becoming a secret police agent. This "contract with the...
This is not a love story though it is full of love. It is not a comedy though the characters often say funny things. It is not a detective story even...
In 1987, colour slides were found in a second hand book store in Vienna which turned out to be a collections of photographs taken in the Lodz ghetto...
A young judo fighter struggles to keep his family together after his father is sent to prison. 14-year-old David could one day become a judo champion...