A murdered police officer is brought back to life by a cold-hearted scientist to serve as "The Demolitionist", the ultimate crime-fighting weapon in...
Two Nevada border officers, Dave Quarry and John, amuse themselves off duty by honing their kick-boxing skills via virtual reality combat. Elsewhere,...
Claire Reynolds is an aspiring young reporter working on a story that could be her big break: Justin Deville, a millionaire businessman rumored to be...
A couple unable to naturally conceive recruit a young woman to act as their surrogate. She falls pregnant with their baby and moves into their home....
In early 19th century Wales, Catherine Morgan, a widow with two daughters, must endure the bumpy road to a distant market in order to sell her cattle...
A divorced woman seeks new sexual adventures in this erotic tale. What she doesn't count on is that her new lover will take her as a hostage and hold...