A recovering addict who follows a strict daily routine has his world shaken up after he awakes from a one night stand covered in blood and with no...
Made up of fictional Vlog, Snapchat and Camera footage, Get Dead is a mockumentary satire about a depressed teenager who decides to commit suicide...
One year after the events of 'Get Dead', Quart has finally coming to terms with living, Death (also known as the Grim Reaper) finds out about Quart's...
In a dream-like reality, a highschooler begins to participate in a fight club in an attempt to win back his ex girlfriend.
A collection of unused visual and audio concepts from Patrick Richardson presented in the rough state they were abandoned in before becoming fully...
On a mission to expose child predators, two underaged girls strike up a relationship with an older man online.
Underground punk band "Smoking Bunnies" have to fight for their lives when an opposing band goes insane.
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