In coastal Cornwall, England, during the early 19th Century, a young woman who's come there to visit her aunt, discovers that she's married an...
A TV talk-show hostess and her boyfriend investigate a shady magician whom has the ability to hypnotize and control the thoughts of people in order...
On the sidewalks of the London theater district the buskers (street performers) earn enough coins for a cheap room. Charles, who recites dramatic...
An all-female motorcycle gang, called 'The Maneaters' hold motorcycle races, as well as terrorize the residents of a small Florida town, and clash...
Ginger Ted, AKA Edward Claude Wilson, a drunkard and womanizer, and Miss Jones, a missionary, live in the Alas Islands. During a cholera epidemic,...
A series of short comedy sketches featuring the topic of sex. They include: a French governess who paints her breasts; a couple having sex on the...
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