A destitute young man, raised by racist skinheads and notorious among white supremacists, turns his back on hatred and violence to transform his...
Borderless Love is a romantic comedy about two couples - Pedro and Joana, Brazilians; Martin and Pilar, Argentines - involved in an involuntary...
Three Brazilians live different stages of the same choice: to be a warrior in a great army of a foreign nation. Discover stories of characters who...
Suzana is an honest and hard-working woman who suddenly finds herself in captivity with her boyfriend while the hijackers pressure her to return a...
Tito is 13 years old and extremely gifted at soccer, his genius brings him a contract that lifts him and his family out of poverty. He shines with...
During the selection process for a film, actors show the struggle and tiredness of those who decide to make a living from Art. While parading their...
Mission 115 was the name given by DOI-CODI (an army repression body during the military dictatorship) to a supposed "vigilance" operation in Rio de...
In a cluster of neighborhoods in the West Zone of São Paulo, common people have resisted for decades by providing coexistence and recollecting...
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