Based on the best-selling novel by Alessandro Baricco, this visually stunning film tells the story of a French trader who finds unexpected love far...
Rotem Genossar, a teacher at the Bialik-Rogozin campus in south Tel Aviv, founds a running group for his students, young African refugees whose...
In Palestinian East Jerusalem, Singer-Songwriter David Broza records a new album with American, Palestinian and Israeli musicians in defiance of the...
Looking for Moshe Guez is a personal documentary by Avida Livny: “When I was a 10-year old boy a friend invited me to watch a must-see video...
Chicken Soup With Knives is a personal documentary that chronicles filmmaker Leora Eisenstein’s journey (with her sister and other companions)...
The life of Ukrainian-Soviet avant-garde composer Alexander Mosolov inspires three stories about creation and individualism in the face of state...
As he turns 50, filmmaker Pini Schatz sets out to explore his life-long obsession with the band Sparks (the brothers Ron and Russell Mael). Pini...
Born to a Nepalese father and an Israeli mother, Kaya is a foreigner wherever she goes. In Tel Aviv, she is taken for Asian, while in Goa she is...
Running Movie is a documentary film that focuses on Israeli long-distance runner Ayele Seteng (a.k.a. Haile Satayin), the oldest marathon runner to...
This film documents a year in a life of an artist who takes an object that symbolized speed, movement, and momentum before it was abandoned –...
Five asylum seekers from Darfur walk towards the Holot Detention Facility, near the Israel-Egypt border, only to discover they are late and need to...
The lives and times of four sisters with a cause: Rebuilding the Holy Temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount, where the Dome of the Rock now stands.
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