Before the Kalyug begins, Lord Krishna hands over an anklet that holds the answer to all of world’s miseries. Years later a doctor finds...
Based on a true tragedy, the emotionally triggering film sheds light on the plight of Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus), a religious minority in the 1990s...
Based on the life of the notorious thief Nageswara Rao, who was the most wanted thief of south India& managed to evade the authorities on several...
Hiding truth, denying justice and no value of human life are blots on our democracy.
Swamy and Anand Chakravarthy are lookalikes. Swamy is a jobless guy, while Anand is the son of Nanda Gopal Chakravarthy, running a company called...
In the dark underbelly of the city, Bloodshed Bhai, a feared and ruthless gangster, rises to power, leaving a trail of violence and chaos in his...
Faced with the catastrophic challenge of fighting a global crisis like no other, Indian scientists take on the mantle of producing vaccine despite...
Based on a forgotten chapter in Indian History, The India House is a film set in London during the pre-independence era.
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