In the early days of the Internet, a case arises from an innovative software and the developer is falsely arrested by the police. This film is based...
Yuta (Abera Hidenobu), a monk with a passion for photography, captures in his viewfinder "that girl" (Ogura Yuna) who passes by his temple each day....
Himuro (Yasukaze Motomiya) and Tamura (Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi) are undergoing medical treatment due to the incident in Kobe. Meanwhile, Nakajima (Masami...
Unification of Japan Gaiden: Yamazaki Family 7 - Yamazaki's Little LoveHD
IMDb: 0
Yamamura (Kenta Kawasaki), who has been an otaku since his school days, tries to hide his hobbies even during his time with youth gangs. One day, he...
With Hamada's death, it seemed that the Yuseikai's problems would be resolved, but an incident occurred in Yokohama in which a member of the Nakamori...
From rising cult filmmaker Kenichi Ugana, a misfit horror-themed rock band moves to the Japanese countryside to write the greatest punk anthem in the...